How to Choose an Employment Attorney in the Netherlands

Finding the Right Employment Lawyer in the Netherlands

As a Dutch lawyer myself, I understand the significance of finding the right employment lawyer to address your legal needs in the Netherlands. The complex aspects of Dutch employment law require a skilled Dutch advocate who can advise on the intricacies of various employment matters.

Whether you’re an employer seeking (for instance) guidance on Dutch employment regulations or an employee facing workplace discrimination or unfair dismissal, I hope to provide you with some insights necessary to make an informed decision in selecting an employment lawyer in the Netherlands.

How do you find an employment lawyer in the Netherlands?

Understanding the Role of a Dutch Employment Attorney

Scope of Expertise

An employment lawyer plays a pivotal role in advocating for the rights and interests of both employers and employees under Dutch employment law. The scope of their expertise encompasses a wide range of issues, including anti-discrimination laws, sexual harassment regulations, employee benefits, hiring and firing procedures, and employment classifications in the Netherlands. Their insights into these legal matters can significantly impact the outcomes of disputes and ensure compliance with Dutch labour laws.

The Importance of Referrals in Finding the Right Netherlands Labor Law Attorney

Effective Referral Sources

I recommend starting your search for an employment lawyer in the Netherlands by seeking referrals. Referrals provide valuable insight into a Dutch attorney’s reputation and capabilities. Here are some effective ways to obtain referrals:

The Dutch Bar Association and the Dutch Law Institute

Contact the Dutch Bar Association or the Dutch Law Institute, and ask for referrals. The Dutch Bar Association provides a “Find a Lawyer” feature on its website. This resource allows you to search for qualified Dutch employment lawyers in your jurisdiction.

Trusted Friends and Family in the Netherlands

Reach out to friends, family members, coworkers, or acquaintances in the Netherlands who may have experience working with an employment lawyer. Their personal experiences can provide valuable insights into a Dutch attorney’s approach and effectiveness.

Other Dutch Attorneys

If you’ve previously worked with an attorney on a different legal matter in the Netherlands, consider seeking recommendations from them. Attorneys often have networks within the Dutch legal community and can offer reliable referrals.

Assessing a Dutch Attorney’s Credentials and Experience

Evaluating Potential Candidates

When evaluating potential Dutch employment lawyers, it’s essential to consider their credentials, experience, and expertise within Dutch employment law. Here’s how to ensure you’re making an informed decision:

Review Their Website

Visit the Dutch attorney’s website to gather information about their practice areas, representative cases, and overall presentation. Pay attention to whether the attorney has experience in handling Dutch employment-related matters similar to your situation.

Check for Specialization in Dutch Employment Law

Determine whether the attorney specializes in representing employers or employees under Dutch labour law, as this can significantly impact their understanding of your unique needs within the Netherlands.

Certifications and Ethics in the Netherlands

Research whether the attorney holds certifications in Dutch employment law or labour and employment law. Certification often signifies a high level of expertise within the Netherlands. Additionally, check for any ethics violations on the Dutch Bar Association website.

Online Reviews and Ratings in the Netherlands

Browse online platforms to find reviews of the attorney’s services in the Netherlands. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to gain a balanced perspective.

Setting Up a Consultation with a Dutch Employment Lawyer

Preparing for Consultations

I would advise you to arrange consultations with multiple potential Dutch employment lawyers before making your final decision. During these consultations, you can assess their compatibility and expertise within Dutch employment law. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Prepare Relevant Documents for the Netherlands

Gather relevant documents related to your case in the Netherlands, such as Dutch employment contracts, termination letters, and any communication that pertains to the issue at hand.

Ask Pertinent Questions in the Netherlands

Inquire about the Dutch attorney’s fees, fee structure, and terms of payment. Additionally, ask about the Dutch attorney’s approach to negotiation, settlement, and communication within the Netherlands.

Personal Chemistry within the Netherlands

During the consultation in the Netherlands, pay attention to how comfortable you feel communicating with the Dutch attorney. A strong attorney-client relationship within the Netherlands requires open and effective communication.

Sign an Engagement Letter in the Netherlands

If you decide to hire a particular Dutch employment attorney, you will likely need to sign an engagement letter outlining the terms of the representation within the Netherlands.


Q: What should I consider when choosing an employment lawyer in the Netherlands?

A: Consider the lawyer’s expertise in Dutch employment law, their experience with similar cases, and their reputation in the legal community. Assess their communication style during a consultation to ensure compatibility.

Q: Can I get referrals for Dutch employment attorneys?
A: Yes, referrals can be obtained from the Dutch Bar Association, the Dutch Law Institute, friends, family, and other Dutch attorneys.

Q: What steps should I take before hiring a Dutch employment lawyer?
A: Review their website, verify their specialization and credentials, read online reviews, and arrange a consultation to discuss your case and assess their suitability.



Jan Willem de Groot - lawyer in the Netherlands

Dutch lawyer in the Netherlands, founder of the Dutch Law Institute, established in Amsterdam.